Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 1: Desert! Watermelon fruit cake! (recipe) 5 steps!

Hey foodies!

So I realized I didn't post anything about my AMAZING desert!

sooooo here it is!..... I made THIS! (Recipe below)

This was SOOOOO tasty and light.. 
I saw this idea on Pinterest and thought I could give it a try. 

Watermelon Fruit Cake 

What you'll need

1 Whole Watermelon 
1 Handfull of fresh blue berries 
1 carton or fresh strawberries (or whatever fruit you want to put on it)
1 quart of heavy whipping cream (some people use cool whip... but I no likey!) 
Sweetener (I used stevia but you can use splenda) 
1 tsp of vanilla extract
Chopped or sliced almonds
Electric Beater 

Step 1:  Cut the round top and bottom off of the watermelon 
and then cut the sides off to give yourself a round shape. 

Step 2: Take half of the Heavy cream and whip until it's fluffy
Add in sweetner and vanilla and blend in. (NOTE: Don't over beat or you'll get butter)

Step 3: Take the whipped cream and spread all over the cake using light motions
(Just like icing a cake) 

Step 4: slice up the strawberries and decorate the cake 
using them and the blueberries

Step 5: put sliced almonds all over the side of the cake 

Refrigerate for an hour and then serve! 



Life of a GF foodie Day 1: Homemade GF Kale Pesto with GF rice pasta (recipe)

Hey Guys, 

I'm very new to this whole blogging scene, so just bare with me! 

This blog is gonna be all about everyones favorite thing... FOOD! 
Whether it's fancy 5 star gourmet or just a simple PB&J (hey that rhymed) everyone loves food! 
It may be something comforting like home made Mac & Cheese or something fancy like Seared scallops with a garlic butter glaze on top of mushroom Risotto.. either way we all love food!

This blog however is a wee bit different.. This blog is going to be all about natural foods and food alternatives and gluten free options! 

I recently discovered how many people out there have a gluten allergy and I just became one of those! 
So I'm gonna try to take my favorite foods and put a GF twist on them! 

Today is the first day of GF food..  Today I made a YUMMY smoothie with all kinds of fresh fruit for breakfast, for lunch I made a healthy GF twist on pesto.. and for dinner I had a simple salmon salad.
 So guess what time it is... FOODIE TIME! 

I'm Italian and I LOVE pasta.. I mean LOVE it!.. So you can imagine how devastated I was to find out I can't have pasta anymore. So I went to the grocery store and found GF pasta and I literally screeched when I found it! I also was reading up on how good kale is for you.. so I bought some. 
After a week or so of it sitting in my fridge I decided to get creative.. I wanted to try to make that yummy pasta I had found. But what was I gonna put on it for a sauce? (I can't have tomatoes) Then It hit me.. PESTO! I was gonna try to take that kale and make a pesto out of it.. and well.. it was GOOD

The recipe for today is GF rotini with home made kale pesto. 

So what you're gonna need is; 

1 bushel of kale 
1/2 cup of olive oil 
1/2 cup of romano cheese 
3 cloves of fresh garlic

salt to taste 
2 cups of GF rotini rice pasta (or whatever GF pasta you want to use) 
2 pots for boiling 

Step 1: Boil a pot of water for the pasta and a separate pot 1/3 full of water for the kale 

Step 2: Prep for pesto 
So to start on the pesto, thoroughly wash the kale and take the leaves off the stem 
next peel the garlic cloves and cut in half.

Step 3: (VERY IMPORTANT) Put Kale in pot of water and bring to boil, let boil for 5 minutes, lower temp and let simmer for 20 mins.  In the mean time put that pasta in it's pot to cook. 
When time is up, drain the kale and then rinse with cold water until it's cool enough to handle. (this will get rid of the natural bitterness of Kale) 

Step 4: (making the pesto) 
Put kale, olive oil and cheese in blender. 
(side note; some people put nuts in pesto to give it a different texture but i cannot because I am allergic, so if you want, you can add a quarter cup of nuts like pine nuts, walnuts or almonds. It's up to you!) 
blend all ingredients together until smooth and add salt to taste.

Step 5: Drain pasta and mix in pot with pesto! 

Step 6: Serve and garnish with a bit of Romano cheese and ENJOY

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 

I'll be back tomorrow!